Sunday, March 8, 2015

7 reasons your child NEEDS you to join the Real Food Movement

Everywhere you turn anymore all you hear about is "eat this" or "don't eat that" "grocery shop here" and "avoid this ingredient". It can be a little overwhelming for us all. Unfortunately you can't trust what the "food experts" are telling you. This is why you need to take matters into your own hands and start protecting your family. Below are 7 reasons why your children NEED you to start listening to the Real Food Movement.

1. Your child(ren) is/are your responsibility from the moment they are conceived. It is important to teach them values, religion, and strong character traits, but what good are those if they don't know how to take care of their bodies and make healthy lifestyle choices especially when you are not around. We want our children to live a life that is the utmost fulfilling and this begins with their nutrition.

2. Lately we are seeing more and more parents burying their children at way too young of an age. Some of these are uncommon problems that are caused by genetics and/or accidents, however too many are from preventable chronic diseases due to overweight/obesity problems. In 2015 it is predicted that 1 in 4 children will be overweight/obese.

"Excessive body weight is associated with a myriad of health risks including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, osteoarthritis, some types of cancer, pregnancy complications, shortened life expectancy, and decreased quality of life." (Clark, 2014)

3. It gives them motivation and energy to chase after their dreams.
LESS TIME BEING SICK= LESS TIME TO RECOVER= MORE TIME TO BE PRODUCTIVE. Don't weigh them down with sugars that cause their blood sugar go up and down which results in them feeling tired and weak.

4. We all know how hard it is to break bad habits. It is so much easier just to form good, solid lifelong habits. This is important as early as their time spend in the womb. The food you put into your body will help them begin to form good habits. Once they are out of the womb they will continue to mirror your choices. If your not onboard-they won't be either.

5. Food allergies are becoming more common and more dangerous. Most parents don't even know if their child is reacting to a specific ingredient. The chances of a food allergy affecting your child is drastically dropped if they are eating foods without additives and chemicals.

"More than 170 foods are known to cause an allergic reaction in some people." (USDA, 2014)

6. Eating real food is good for our environment and our economy. When we buy real food we buy it from a farmers market or a health food store we are supporting and helping fund the continuation of these products. It is true what they say, we really do vote with our dollars every time we buy food.

7. At a time when obesity and overweight children are at their highest our school systems are getting rid of the majority of physical education and health classes. We can't rely on others to pave the path for OUR children. They need to be taught how to make healthy lifestyle choices from the people they trust the most because right now there are too many BIG companies trying to persuade them otherwise.

This doesn't mean you need to set an hour aside everyday to give your children physical and nutrition education, you can add it to your daily routine by simply;
           *Be a good healthy role mole for your kids to mirror.
           *Explain your choices to them
   *Include them in grocery shopping as well as meal preparation. 
   *Talk positive about healthy foods.
   *Continue both yours and your child's learning daily since things in the real food movement are always changing.

Lets keep doing our part to change the world, one child at a time.
Lori :)

Pic Credit to: (

Friday, March 6, 2015

Lunches -N- Snacks To Go

Everybody I know struggles with packing lunches as a part of their daily routine. We all have to eat lunch every day, but that doesn’t mean we want to spend most of our weekpreparing and planning it. Usually what happens is we find ourselves packing the same things over and over. That can get boring, quick. So there are a few ways that I have found will really help make it not seem like such a chore.


I think the most important thing you can do to make preparing work and school day lunches a thousand times easier is having the correct containers to put everything in.  If you don’t know what items you should have I have included a picture at the bottom that should help. You can find everything you need on amazon and it’s usually very reasonably priced. I promise spending a little bit of money on these things in the beginning will pay off in the long run. (If you have trouble getting your kids to bring the containers back create a reward system-an example would be every day they bring the container home they get .05 cents-kids will do a lot for money) The containers you should look into is an insulated lunch box, small containers for dips, divided plastic containers, plastic silverware, thermos, cold packs, silicone muffin cups, and cookie cutters. The silicone muffin cups are the most diverse lunch packing utensil I have ever had. Use them as muffin holders or use them to hold ingredients in your lunch pail! I included cookie cutters because you can make all sorts of things fun with just one simple cut. Make cheese shapes or cucumber shapes, you can even use them to shape your pita crisps. Whatever containers you decide to get just make sure you can see a good use for them and that it is convenient to take on the go!


The next biggest thing that will help and reduce the stress of your morning is packing lunches ahead of time. This could mean up to 5 days ahead of time or the night before, depending on what you’re making. Pick a day and time and try to keep it the same every week. During that time workon preparing everything you need for the week. Separate it out, cut it up, and put it in proper containers. Some things you can freeze and take out the night before. The only way your going to be able to do this and succeed at it though is to use 30 minutes earlier in the week to decide and write down what lunches will be. This will allow you to look and see what ingredients you need as well as plan the proper amount of time you need to prepare. And if your really feeling spunky, get your kids in the kitchen with you and have them help prepare and pack. This way they feel like they had an decision on what they are eating and are more likely to enjoy it and eat it all at school.


A lot of people say to keep lunches simple. Forget that. That is why they are so boring. Make lunch fun and creative, just use simple foods! Remember when it comes to lunch it is important that you get a variety.


Snack/Lunch Ideas

*Apple Cookies (peanut butter, pecans, coconut shreds, chocolate chips)

*Peanut Butter and Banana Wrap on a Tortilla

*Fruit Salad

*Veggies and Dip/Hummus

*Cucumber Sandwiches (cucumber slices, meat, cheese)

*Italian Salad (pasta, cheese chunks, broccoli, cucumbers, peppers, onions)

*Sandwich Wraps (veggies, meat, cheese, tortilla)

*Pita Crisps with hummus/cheese spread

*Quesadilla (cheese and bacon)

*Make your own lunchable (crackers, fruit, cheese, tuna, pita pieces, pizza sauce)

*Pretzels/Oyster Crackers with Dry Ranch Mix & Oil

*Popcorn (flavored with herbs and spices)

*Taco Bar (chips, meat, lettuce, cheese, veggies, salsa)

*Tuna Noodle Casserole (tuna, Annie’s mac and cheese, peas, cream of mush soup)

*Potato Salad

*BLT Lettuce Wraps

*Smoothies (Use the thermos to keep cold)

*Oatmeal with Dried Fruit (Use thermos to keep hot)



*Trail Mix (nuts, pretzels, yogurt bites)

*Cheese Chunks


*Meatballs with Sauce

*Homemade Granola (nut variety, oats, honey, sweetner, baking chips, goji berries, flaxseed, toasted coconut, etc)

*Egg Salad


There are several other lunch possibilities. It just really depends on how much planning you want to put into it. Make sure that you have the containers clean and ready to go. Pack them ahead of time and if you need to label what day of the week it is for. If there are multiple people in your family you can either label them with a name or color code it.  Don’t stress yourself out with it. Just start small one week and keep building. You can do it. You just have to go for it!

Have a Healthy and Happy Day,


Integrative Nutrition Health Coach