SuperFood Quick Facts

Keep these foods on your grocery list ALWAYS. They are foods that we should NEVER be without!! 

Check back often for new foods being added!!!!!

Goji Berries (g oh j ee)

*Color: Bright Orange-Red
*Taste mildly tangy and slightly sweet and sour
*Also known as Wolfberry
*Comes from an evergreen shrub in China. Mongolia & Tibetan Himalayas
*Eaten raw, cooked, dried or as juice
*Can be used in herbal tea, juices, wine, medicines, granola bars, pancakes, waffles, bread
*Can be used to treat: diabetes, high blood pressure, fever, & age-related eye problems
*May interact with warfain (blood thinner), diabetes, blood pressure drugs
*Benefits may be:
*A feeling of well-being and calmness
*Better athletic performance
*Quality of sleep
*Weight loss
*Can find at Chinese herbal shops/health food stores/some smaller grocery stores

"...known for its high level of carotenoids, which can help boost the immune system." (Integrative Nutrition by Josh Rosenthal)

Quinoa (keen-wah)

·      Comes from South Africa.
·      Found in the RICE isle of MOST grocery stores.
·       Contains all 9 of the essential amino acids needed to build metabolism-revving muscle. (leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, histidine)
·      Known as a gluten-free whole grain although it is actually a seed from the plant Chenopodium. (But it really is gluten-free)
·      Packed with vitamins and minerals.
·      Known to reduce risk of heart disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity.
·      Can be found in 3 colors; white, red and black. Most common is WHITE.
·      Helps to balance pH levels in the intestines and encourages good digestion.
·      The protein is of better quality than that of meat.
·      Has a nutty flavor.
·      To cook add 2 parts water to 1 part quinoa and boil for 15 minutes.
·      Delicious addition to any bread, muffin and pancake recipe. You can also “hide” it in some of your favorite other dishes.

“Quinoa is about as close to a perfect food as you can get.” ~ The New Optimum Nutrition Bible.

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