Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How does sugar affect my child?

Why does added sugar affect my child so much?

Lets start by figuring out exactly what added sugar is. Some of the  major sources are regular soft drinks, sugars, candy, cakes, cookies, pies, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, milk products and other grains.
But why are so many becoming concerned with added sugar? It seems like anywhere you go right now there is someone or some product/commercial talking about NO artificial sweetener, NO High Fructose Corn Syrup(HFCS), NO added sugar and many more claims. It seems that sugar has become a staple in our familys diet over the last few decades.

How is sugar affecting your child?

It can cause many of your childs behaviors to be unrecognizable and unbearable at times. You will see these things in your sugar sensitive children even if they dont have words for them; feeling inadequate, having low self-esteem, feeling victimized, taking things personally, feeling that life is out of control, feeling overwhelmed, overreacting to criticism, living in the twilight zone. (DesMaisons, 2004) It has also been proven in several studies to cause obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and tooth decay.

But what if we have been approaching the sugar epidemic all wrong. What if its not because of the sugar they are having these problems, but yet because of the lack of sugar their bodies have during certain points of the day.

Im sure you have heard a parent or two say if my kids eat that they will be bouncing off the walls. But thats not the case at all. Instead of their body reacting to a sugar over load and causing them to become hyper, their body is going through a sugar withdrawal. Some experts even go so far as to call it an addiction. As it turns out, sugar isn't as harmless as we once thought; at least not in the volume we're consuming it.” (Sack, D. 2013)

What if this ingredient we feed our families several times a day is really harming their development both mentally and physically? Would you continue feeding it to your family because these food products are convenient?

The American Heart Association recommends that children consume 3 to 8 teaspoons of added sugar per day, depending on their age and daily caloric intake. Yet children as young as 1 year already consume three to four times the daily recommendation. By 4 to 8 years old, children are consuming an average of 21 teaspoons of sugar daily, and the average teenager consumes about 34 teaspoons each day -- even more than the average adult.

Unless your child consumes a 100% organic/natural diet they are ingesting some sort of sugar product at some point. For some families this doesnt seem like an option. Most of our lives move so fast we need easy and convenient, which usually means these food products are packed with added sugars. If this is all your childrens bodies are use to then the real reaction comes when they arent getting it anymore, or their blood sugar is low. This is causing; a sugar withdrawal.

Sugar fuels every cell in the brain. Your brain also sees sugar as a reward, which makes you keep wanting more of it. If you often eat a lot of sugar, you're reinforcing that reward, which can make it tough to break the habit. (WebMD)

So what can we do to stop our kids from experiencing a sugar withdrawal?

1.Educate your family:Find out how it is affecting your family by either doing the research yourself or enlisting in the help of a professional.

2.Have a Family  Meal/Snack Preparation at least once a week:Take an hour or two over the weekend to create prepackaged snacks and to prep anything that you may need for meals.
3.Teach the whole family how to read the ingredients label:Watch for these on the ingredient label; brown sugar, granulated sugar, high fructose corn syrup, powdered sugar, white sugar, sucrose. You will not eliminate all sugars from your house at once, just focus on only eating the others in moderation. Once you have eliminated these first ones, start eliminating some of the more unfamiliar ones.  (barley malt, beet sugar, brown rice syrup, cane juice, confectioners sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, date sugar, dextrin, dextrose, fructooliosaccharides, fructose, fruit juice concentration, galactose, glucose, honey, invert sugar, lactose, maltodextrin, malted barley, maltitol, maltose, mannitol, maple syrup, microcrystalline cellulose, molasses, polydextrose, raisin juice, raisin syrup, raw sugar, sorbitol, sucanat, sugar cane, turbinado sugar, xylitol.)

4.Dont let it overwhelm your family:This isnt an easy lifestyle change to make. Dont get so overwhelmed that you give up and fall back to old habits. If one day your family has a few less healthy choices, just make sure that the following days you get back on track.

5.Use Sweet Fruits and Veggies to curb your families sweet tooth:The best way to do this is to use fruit as a dessert and veggies as a late night snack. You will find that eating these more sustainable foods may even help your family sleep better at night.

6. Allow your family to consume some sugar in moderation: It is important that your family isnt having withdrawls to the point that when they are offered sugar they gorge. Make sure to allow them to have it in moderation and they may surprise you when they turn down a sweet treat knowing they already had their sugar for the day/week. This also allows you to control the kind of sugar they are putting in their body. Remember it isnt ALL bad J 

It is so important that you include your family in this learning opportunity. You want to make sure that they understand why they cant eat it and how it affects their tiny little bodies. They wont always be with you for you to manage what they eat. Teach them to make healthy choices, or find a program/individual to help you educate them.  

Healthfully Yours, 
Lori Graham
Integrative Health Nutrition Coach

Thursday, June 18, 2015

HomemadeChocolate Almond Bark

Head on over to our recipe page to check out our latest one!!!

The WHOLE family will LOVE it and it is so simple the kiddos cans help thru the entire process!!!!


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

10 day FREE family Challenge (#1-Add more fruits)

This challenge will begin June 8. There is an event set up over at our facebook page; https://www.facebook.com/events/1096155043733360/

During this 10 day challenge your family will focus on including fruit every day in a different way. This doesn’t mean you can’t include fruit other ways also. The more fruits your family eats the more of an impact their nutritional value will have on your family’s health.

Before the Challenge:
Ø  Make challenge cards and find a jar/hat/box to put them in. If you can find time have the kids decorate the cards. This will make them proud to use them.
Ø  Ask your family what kinds of fruits they want around the house. Make a list. Take them with you. (Can even let them pick out their own, the more hands on they are the better) Try to choose fresh fruit, but if not possible use frozen or canned.
Ø  Pick a reward that captures your family’s interest. Post it somewhere every one can see it daily. Use a picture if more motivating. (Could possibly post it on the fridge or a door)
Ø  Talk to your family about why it is important to add more fruits to your diet
§  They help to fill you up so there is less room for processed ‘junk’ food
§  They provide our body with essential minerals and vitamins that helps the body feel good and have more energy
§  They provide brain fuel
§  They provide fiber to help keep digestive tract healthy (Helps regulate bowel movement)
Ø  Answer any questions your family may have. If you can’t answer them tell them you don’t know but you will find out. It can be a learning experience for both of you. Email me and I will help you find the correct answer.

1.     Eat a fruit at every meal (breakfast/lunch/dinner)
2.     Eat a red fruit today
3.     Eat a orange fruit today
4.     Only eat fruit as a snack today
5.     Eat fruit for breakfast today
6.     Eat a fruit smoothie (Use 3 of your favorite fruits/natural sweetener/greek yogurt) <I will post some examples>
7.     Eat a salad with fruit today <I will post some examples>
8.     Eat 3 different colored fruits today
9.     Bake a whole grain with fruit as an ingredient <I will post some examples>
10. Eat 5 fruits today

*Depending on your kids age level and interest you can adjust these challenges to fit their needs

During Challenge:
v The night before the challenge starts have a family member draw a challenge card. You will choose a card each night for the following day. (Please post what your families daily challenge is on our event page when you can. This will help us support one another as well as discuss any negative and positive experiences your family is having because of the daily challenge.)
v Discuss the challenge daily. Allow each family member to share how they think the daily challenge was and what they could of done to improve their efforts.
v Talk about the fact of the day with them. Leave about 5-10 minutes open to see where the conversation takes you.
o   A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
o   Orangutans LOVE mangoes
o   Apples float in water because they are 25% air
o   Mangoes are the #1 fruit in the world
o   Kiwi contains twice as much vitamin C as oranges
o   Over 7,000 different types of apples are grown all over the world
o   Grapes can no longer ripen once picked
o   The natural sugar in an apple is more potent than caffeine in coffee
o   A watermelon contains 92% water
o   Raisins are dried grapes
v TIP: Make sure to keep it fun and positive. As a parent you must lead by example. They will be watching your reaction and effort to every challenge.  

After Challenge:
ü  Keep a focus on fruits
ü  Talk about them
ü  Ask if your family is still eating them daily.
ü  TIP: You don’t want to put a lot of pressure on it so that it turns them away. Make sure to keep all discussions light and fun. The more positive you are the more positive they will be.

This challenge is a great way to help make fruit a staple in your child’s nutrition. The more comfortable with fruit they are, the more willing they will be to include it daily.

Lets DO this!!!! Your family’s first healthy lifestyle change is heading your way!!!!!!! We are so excited to help you get started on your journey. Your family is important and we know knowledge is power. So lets get to learning!!!

We can’t WAIT to hear all about it J We will also be giving away a set of the USDA food pyramid coloring books (6). They will go to the family who has the made the most effort to keep us updated on their journey. This can be by posting on our event page or if you feel more comfortable you can message us privately. We will announce the winner on our event page.

Join our Event at:

Healthfully yours,
Lori and Erin

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Fun and Creative Way to Get Your Kids Moving

Let's Tell A Story Ribbon Wand Style

Actions: (Do each movement for 15 seconds and then switch which hand is holding ribbon wand)
  • Hike: March in place with elbows by sides and ribbon wand in hand.
  • River: Move arm left to right while also moving the wrist left and right.
  • Rainbow: Start with arm straight out on on side, wave wand over head, come back to start position.
  • Rain: Hold arm in air in front of body while moving wrist up and down.
  • Waves: Move arm up and down while moving it right to left.
  • Catch a Fish: Start with ribbon wand over shoulder with elbow in front of body and “throw” the wand forward. (Don't let go of wand)
  • Tornado: Start by head and make small circles while slowly dropping arm towards ground Once you get to your feet continue making small circles up to your head.
  • Ride a Horse: Have child gallop around while using ribbon wand as a tail (moving their wrists up and down)
  • Bird: Flap arms like a bird.
  • Pick a Flower: Bend at waist forward and touch wand to ground, quickly stand up raising arm to the sky.
  • Sun: Raise arm in front of body and make large circles.
  • Skip through the Field: Skip in place while arm is behind. Rotate the wrist up and down.
  1. Create a ribbon wand with your child. (Find directions on our Motion Zone Page)
  2. Help children write a story with the words above.
  3. Have the children practice the movements to go with each word. Remember it is not as important that your child do the exact motions as it is that they feel comfortable and are constantly moving around.
  4. Practice the story with them. Have them practice it by themselves.
  5. When they get comfortable have them perform it for other family members.

Example story:
Sally decided that the SUN was out today so she was going to take a HIKE. As she began on her journey she came to a RIVER. So many colors along the way, so she decided to stop and PICK A FLOWER. As she SKIPPED THROUGH THE FIELD she decided that she would CATCH A FISH for dinner. She found a place where the WAVES were calm. All of the sudden though it started to RAIN. She watched the BIRDS suddenly go into hiding. Then she thought maybe more than rain was headed her way. Could it be a TORNADO? After a few minutes the RAIN passed and a RAINBOW appeared. She decided she better jump on her HORSE and head home in case it started up again.


You can always add more movements and make the story longer. You also can have your child march the entire time to get more exercise. Get the whole family involved make it an after dinner march while exploring your child's creative side.

Kind Regards,
Lori Graham
Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Keep Kids Moving with Ribbon Wands

  1. Wood Dowel
  2. Ribbon cut to preferred length
  3. Scissors
  4. Glue
  5. Hot Glue Gun/Stick
  6. Markers
  7. Index Cards
  8. Fruits/Veggies Magazine or Printed Cutouts

Areas Reinforced:
  • Fruit/Veggie Recognition
  • Creativity
  • Movement
  • Ability to follow directions
  • Color Awareness
  • Scissor Practice
  • Gluing
  • Pencil Holding

  1. Make pattern card by gluing the fruits and vegetables on one side of the index card. Underneath the picture you can draw the resembling shape for younger children. Explain to your child that fruit and veggies often times can resemble certain shapes or patterns. During this game they will use the ribbon wand to trace the shape of the fruit in the air. Examples are below:
  • Carrot: Triangle
  • Bell Pepper: Square
  • Orange: Circle
  • Watermelon: Oval
  • Banana: Moon
  • Apple: Heart
  • Lemon: Diamond (Rhombus)
  • Strawberry: Cone
  • Carambola (Starfruit): Star
  • Cucumber: Cylynder
  • Pineapple: Rectangle
  1. Let the child color the wood dowel however they would like. HINT: You can use this step to keep them occupied while you find pictures of fruits and vegetables for them to cut out.
  2. Cut the ribbon the length that you want it to be. You will lose about 1-2 inches when gluing it on to the dowel.
  3. Use the hot glue gun to attach the ribbon to the dowel. (If you don't have a hot glue gun there are several other options you could do, just use what is around your house) When gluing it start by applying glue to the top of the dowel. Stick the ribbon onto hot glue. Pull ribbon down and count to 10 before releasing. Take the ribbon and wrap it around the very top of the dowel, using little bit of hot glue in spots to secure it.
  4. Have child draw a pattern card and trace the shape of the fruit or vegetable in the air. Repeat with each hand and then draw a new card. Continue until all cards have been drawn.

Keep the learning going:
While your child is tracing patterns you can take their learning a bit farther by asking them some of these questions;
  • Have you ever eaten (Insert fruit or veggie)?
  • What color is (Insert fruit or veggie)?
  • Does (Insert fruit or veggie) grow in the ground or on a tree?
  • What is the difference between a fruit and veggie?
  • Can you name a (Insert Color) fruit or veggie?
  • What's your favorite fruit or veggie?

Depending on your child you may have to modify the game a bit. That's okay just always keep it FUN!!!

A few alternatives you can try to mix it up is to have them do it to music or do a leg exercise while they are tracing the fruits and vegetables.

Kind Regards,
Lori Graham

Certified Health Nutrition Coach

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Ingredient Mysteries Part 1 Sulfites

Sulfites- “Ingredient Mysteries” Part One

Welcome to the first post of my new series, ingredient mystery. We live very busy lives and I don’t think that most of us have the time to research countless ingredients and make confident choices in what you should or should feed your family. So I am going to help you out. I will look into several of the ingredients that we are consuming on a daily basis, most of us having no idea if or how it is affecting our health. Once I am done researching the ingredient I will relay my findings. I have a 3-source rule. No investigation will be complete until I have read at least 3 sources about the subject. Some I may end up with way more just depending on how complex the ingredient is.

The first ingredient I chose to investigate is; Sulfites. This is a inorganic salt that is added to most canned foods to help preserve the food, ultimately increasing shelf life.  It may also occur naturally in some wines and beers. This ingredient is one that not all people are sensitive to. If you are asthmatic or have allergies then it may be affecting you more than if not. People deficient in sulfate oxidase the enzyme necessary to break down sulfites, can experience symptoms without having asthma. As of right now, there is no known definite trigger to cause this sensitivity, but it can range from a mild to severe reaction. May even result in a fatal reaction.

The main reasons it is added to foods are; reduction of spoilage by bacteria, slows browning of fruit, veggies and seafood, inhibits of growth of bacteria during fermentation of wines, conditioning of dough in frozen pie and pizza crusts, and bleaching effect for maraschino cherries. In 1986 FDA banned this ingredient from being used in fresh foods.

~Dehydrated/PreCut/Peeled Potatoes
~Baked Goods
~Maraschiro Cherries
~Fresh/Frozen Shrimp
~Bottled Lemon/Lime Juice
~Apple Cider
~Sparkling Grape Juice
~Veggie Juices
~Trail Mix
~Potato Chips
~Dried Fruit
~Pickled Foods
~Canned Veggies

Names to Watch For On Ingredients Lists
-Sulphite ammonia caramel E150d
-Caustic sulphite caramel E150b
-Sodium bisulphite (sodium hydrogen sulphite) E222
-Sodium sulphite E221
-Potassium metabisulphite E224
-Sodium metabisulphite E223
-Potassium sulphite E225
-Calcium hydrogen sulphite E227
-Calcium sulphite E226
-Potassium hydrogen sulphite E228
-Sulfur dioxide
-Potassium bisulfate

As far as the severity of eating this ingredient I would say it is one that you need to start eliminating from your kitchen ASAP. This is especially important if anyone in your family suffers from asthma or allergies. Any ingredient that could potentially be life threating to you or your family should NOT be taken lightly. In order to do this cost efficiently start replacing your kitchen 3 products at a time. This will help make the change more gradual for your body also.

Have a Healthy and Happy Day,

Lori Graham
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Stepbystep.com (picture credit)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

7 reasons your child NEEDS you to join the Real Food Movement

Everywhere you turn anymore all you hear about is "eat this" or "don't eat that" "grocery shop here" and "avoid this ingredient". It can be a little overwhelming for us all. Unfortunately you can't trust what the "food experts" are telling you. This is why you need to take matters into your own hands and start protecting your family. Below are 7 reasons why your children NEED you to start listening to the Real Food Movement.

1. Your child(ren) is/are your responsibility from the moment they are conceived. It is important to teach them values, religion, and strong character traits, but what good are those if they don't know how to take care of their bodies and make healthy lifestyle choices especially when you are not around. We want our children to live a life that is the utmost fulfilling and this begins with their nutrition.

2. Lately we are seeing more and more parents burying their children at way too young of an age. Some of these are uncommon problems that are caused by genetics and/or accidents, however too many are from preventable chronic diseases due to overweight/obesity problems. In 2015 it is predicted that 1 in 4 children will be overweight/obese.

"Excessive body weight is associated with a myriad of health risks including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, osteoarthritis, some types of cancer, pregnancy complications, shortened life expectancy, and decreased quality of life." (Clark, 2014)

3. It gives them motivation and energy to chase after their dreams.
LESS TIME BEING SICK= LESS TIME TO RECOVER= MORE TIME TO BE PRODUCTIVE. Don't weigh them down with sugars that cause their blood sugar go up and down which results in them feeling tired and weak.

4. We all know how hard it is to break bad habits. It is so much easier just to form good, solid lifelong habits. This is important as early as their time spend in the womb. The food you put into your body will help them begin to form good habits. Once they are out of the womb they will continue to mirror your choices. If your not onboard-they won't be either.

5. Food allergies are becoming more common and more dangerous. Most parents don't even know if their child is reacting to a specific ingredient. The chances of a food allergy affecting your child is drastically dropped if they are eating foods without additives and chemicals.

"More than 170 foods are known to cause an allergic reaction in some people." (USDA, 2014)

6. Eating real food is good for our environment and our economy. When we buy real food we buy it from a farmers market or a health food store we are supporting and helping fund the continuation of these products. It is true what they say, we really do vote with our dollars every time we buy food.

7. At a time when obesity and overweight children are at their highest our school systems are getting rid of the majority of physical education and health classes. We can't rely on others to pave the path for OUR children. They need to be taught how to make healthy lifestyle choices from the people they trust the most because right now there are too many BIG companies trying to persuade them otherwise.

This doesn't mean you need to set an hour aside everyday to give your children physical and nutrition education, you can add it to your daily routine by simply;
           *Be a good healthy role mole for your kids to mirror.
           *Explain your choices to them
   *Include them in grocery shopping as well as meal preparation. 
   *Talk positive about healthy foods.
   *Continue both yours and your child's learning daily since things in the real food movement are always changing.

Lets keep doing our part to change the world, one child at a time.
Lori :)

Pic Credit to: (familiesmattertous.blogspot.com)